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Modern Slavery Statement
Modern slavery and human trafficking are both unacceptable to us.
Slavery, servitude, human trafficking, and forced labour are all types of modern slavery.
Modern slavery and human trafficking are both unacceptable to us.
In order to prevent any kind of modern slavery from occurring within the company or our supplier chains, Distinguished.World Ltd is committed to conducting all business interactions ethically, with integrity, and in a transparent manner. The company has also put in place effective procedures and controls to do this.
We will not tolerate any kind of discrimination, harassment, or bullying, and we expect all of our supervisors to put these principles into practise. This includes agency workers who are employees as well.
This statement sets out the steps that Distinguished has taken and is continuing to take to ensure that modern slavery or human trafficking is not taking place within our business or supply chain.
We have several internal policies to ensure that we are conducting business ethically and transparently. These include:
We continue the following practises while making progress toward our goal of preventing modern slavery and human trafficking each year:
In line with its commitment to ethics, social responsibility, and the environment, Distinguished carries out its corporate plan. We fully recognise that it is our duty to uphold the human rights outlined in the International Bill of Human Rights. All of our rules concerning the rights and liberties of every person who works for us, whether directly as an employee, through an agency, or indirectly through our supply chain, are informed by the IBHR. Additionally, we are dedicated to applying the UN's Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights across the board. Our national expectations for behaviour in every workplace are based on respect for each individual's dignity and the significance of their human rights.
Risk Evaluations
Our supply chains also cover the acquisition of personnel, consumables, facility upkeep, utilities, and waste management. We will perform a risk assessment, make sure that additional measures are taken to support the abolition of modern slavery, that staff members are trained to identify it, and that the proper safeguarding reporting procedures are followed in the event that there are concerns about our supply chains, clients, or suppliers.
Performance Measures
If the following conditions are met, we will know that the measures we are doing to prevent slavery in our business or supply chain are effective:
Direct Interaction
The Company invites the general public and non-company employees to write to it in confidence if they have any questions or concerns about the possibility of modern slavery in any of our commercial operations.
We want to promote openness and will assist anyone who, in accordance with our policy, expresses sincere concerns in good faith, even if such worries turn out to be unfounded. We are dedicated to preventing any negative treatment for anyone who reports in good faith their suspicions that modern slavery in any form is or may be occurring in any aspect of our business. Dismissal, reprimands, threats, or other unfavourable treatment because of voicing a concern is considered detrimental treatment. Distinguished will accept and consider serious complaints sent in secret. However, maintaining anonymity makes investigations and validation more challenging and may reduce the process' effectiveness.
Evaluation of success in stopping modern slavery
We are aware that the risk of modern slavery is not constant, thus we will keep trying to reduce it. We will use our internal auditing procedures to evaluate the risk.
Ownership of this Statement
The Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking statement of Distinguished for the fiscal year ending 2023 is made in accordance with Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
The Managing Director is in charge of preventing modern slavery and making sure that this policy and how it is put into practise complies with our moral and legal commitments. It is the duty of managers at all levels to ensure that those under their supervision are aware of this policy, comply with it, and receive proper and ongoing training on it and the subject of modern slavery.
The Managing Director of Distinguished has given his approval to this statement.
Updated January 2023
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